I si! aquesta setmana passada ha sigut l'aniversari de l'Aina (i el meu). I per fi hem tingut l'excusa i la ocasió de fer, juntament amb la meva germana, el pastís de dinousaure que havíem vist i desitjat de fer tantes vegades. Ah! i premi Liebster Award que m'ha atorgat la Marta de Cuina Diari. Moltes gràcies, em fa moltíssima il·lusió!
La recepta i idea l'hem tret d'un llibre fantàstic que tenim des de que erem petites, "El meu primer llibre de pastisseria", de Helen Drew (Ed. Molino), on hi ha moltes receptes, molt llamineres i bones, explicades molt gràficament, orientat a nens. És fantàstic, us el recomano, si és que encara s'edita.
El pastís és ben senzill: es fa un pa de pessic en un motlle rodó i es talla d'una determinada manera per aconseguir muntar un dinosaure, que es recobreix amb un frosting o cobertura de color verd. No cal dir que entre la forma i el color, el pastís que vèiem al llibre ens tenia impressionades (recordem que no era gens habitual trobar colorant alimentari d'aquesta mena fa uns anyets...).
En aquest cas no es tracta tant de la recepta com del procediment per aconseguir el dinosaure. La cobertura del llibre és diferent de la que jo he fet servir. Normalment les cobertures basades en mantega i sucre no m'agraden, tot i que probablement siguin més fàcils per a treballar i aconseguir bon resultat pel que fa a la forma. He fet una cobertura basada en formatge, mantega i sucre que m'agrada més de sabor, no és tant dolça.
El millor és preparar el pa de pessic i la covertura el dia abans de muntar el pastís, així tant la molla del pa de pessic com la consistència del frosting, milloren per treballar-lo.
En tot cas, aquí queda:
Ingredients per al pa de pessic:
- 100 gr de mantega
- 250 ml de llet
- 2 ous
- 1 cullerada sopera de suc de llimona
- 250 gr de sucre
- 50 gr de cacau en pols
- 225 gr de farina
- 1 culleradeta de bicarbonat
Posem el forn a pre-escalfar a 180ºC i engreixem un motlle rodó de 22cm.
Posem la llet amb el suc de llimona i remenem. Batem la mantega i la meitat del sucre fins que quedi ben amalgamat. Batem els ous i els afegim d'un en un, i quan estiguin ben incorporats, hi afegim el sucre restant.
Per altra banda, tamisem en un bol diferent la farina, el bicarbonat i el cacau junts. Mentre anem batent afegim la meitat de la llet a la massa anterior, la meitat de la farina, la resta de la llet i la resta de farina, així, progressivament, mentre anem batent i aconseguim una mescla cremosa. Ho fiquem al motlle i cap al forn durant una horeta, fins que surti net al punxar-hi un escuradents. Ho treiem i el deixem refredar.
Ingredients per a la cobertura:
- 240 gr de mantega tova
- 450 gr de formatge cremós (Philadelphia)
- 220 gr de mascarpone
- 220 gr de sucre llustre (jo només en vaig posar uns 150 - 170 gr)
- 1 culleradeta d'extracte de vainilla
- Colorant verd
Batre la mantega i el Philadelphia fins que quedi una mescla esponjosa. Afegir-hi el sucre i batre fins que estigui ben dissolt. Finalment, afegir el mascarpone, l'essència de vainilla i el colorant, i barrejar fins que quedi incorporat, amb compte de no passar-nos massa ja que el mascarpone perdrà la consistència i quedarà massa líquid.
Muntatge del dinosaure:
Desemotllem i tallem el pa de pessic segons les instruccions:
Els trossets petits de l'esquerra no els farem servir, pero la resta... bé, ja us en feu el càrrec, oi?
Si cal, talleu una mica la part superior del pastís perquè quedi més pla. I a fer una mica de "lego" amb les peçes... Es poden enganxar amb una mica del frosting.
Quan el resultat, més o menys, us convenci, començeu a cobrir-ho tot amb el frosting fent servir una espàtula plana i ganivet pla per als detalls. Pot passar que la cobertura tingui una consitència massa cremosa i regalimi per les parets del pastís. En aquest cas, poseu-la a la nevera. De fet, recomano que feu el pastís i la cobertura amb un dia d'antel·lació, amb estona de nevera entremig. Així la cobertura quedarà ben consistent i serà més bonic (a mi em va quedar massa toveta i l'aspecte se'n va ressentir molt).
- Lacasitos
- Llàgrimes o perles de xocolata negra
- Pastilla de xocolata blanca
Els lacasitos són per a decorar el cos. Les perles són per a fer les púes del llom. La pastilla de xocolata blanca per a fer l'ull, que acabarem amb una llàgrima de xocolata negra escapçada. També podeu fer servir xocolata blanca tallada de manera triangular per a fer les dents del dinosaure. És el detall que ens va faltar.
Als nens els va agradar trobar-se un pastís de dinousaure, i com que finalment no era tant dolç (segur que no tant com amb cobertures a base de fondant o de sucre i mantega), va agradar també als menys llaminers. Hagués pogut enriquir el sabor del frosting amb pell molt triturada de taronja o llimona, i segur que també hagués quedat boníssim. En tot cas, un bon pastís d'aniversari. Properament, el pastís del meu aniversari...
Dinosaur cake and an award!
Yes! The past week was Aina's birthday (and my own.) So that gave me and my sister the pretext and the chance to bake the dinosaur cake we had admired and coveted for so many years. And, oh!, I received a Liebster Award from Marta, from Cuina Diari. Thanks ever so much! You've made my day!
The idea and the recipe for the dinosaur cake we got from a lovely book we've had since we were little, Helen Drew's "My first baking book". It has a great range of simple, yummy recipes, with lots of pictures and very clear instructions, intended for children to use. It's great! I recommend it wholeheartedly, if you can find it.
The cake is pretty simple: you bake a round sponge and cut it so as to obtain the different pieces that later you arrange to compose the body of the dinosaur. Then you cover it with a frosting or icing with green food colouring. We used to gaze in awe at the finished item when we were little (green food colouring was not so easy to find a few years ago in this country!)
So what really stands out about this recipe is not so much the sponge, or even the frosting, but how to cut the round sponge to get a dinosaur shape. We used a different recipe for the frosting than that in the book, because we don't really like the usual butter-and-sugar based ones. They are easier to use and you surely get a better look, but we preferred something we would enjoy eating as much as we did making and looking at. Mine had fresh cheese as well as butter, and not a lot of sugar.
Because this frosting can be a bit runny, I recommend you make it the day before and refrigerate it overnight. This will improve the consistency and manageability and the overall result.
Ingredients for the sponge:
Preheat over at 180º and grease a round cake form, 22 cms in diameter.
Mix the milk and the lemon juice and stir. Reserve.
Beat together the butter and half the sugar until creamy. Add the eggs, previously beaten, one by one. When completely blended, add the remaining sugar.
In a different bowl, sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and cocoa and mix.
Beating continuously, pour half the milk into the wet ingredients' bowl and combine well. Then add half the flour and cocoa mix, then the rest of the milk, and finally the remaining flour.
Pour into the cake form and bake for about an hour. (Do the needle test.) Allow to cool on a rack.
Ingredients for the frosting:
Beat the butter with the cream cheese until creamy and fluffy. Add the sugar and stir until well combined. Finally, add the mascarpone cheese and vainilla extract until just combined. Do not overdo it, or else the mascarpone cheese loses consistency and the mix becomes too liquid.
Building a dinosaur!
Take the sponge out of the form and cut following this diagram:
If necessary, cut the top to flatten. Then play a bit of Lego with your sponge pieces! Some will look better here, some there… And finally, stick together with a bit of frosting.
Once you are satisfied with your shape, cover with the frosting, using a spatula and a table knife for the detailing. I recommend refrigerating the frosting before use, preferably overnight. Mine turned out too runny and that didn't do any favours to the look of it. The morning after, however, the frosting on the cake leftovers was just right!

To finish:
The children were delighted to see a dinosaur cake. And, because it wasn't as sweet as other frosted cakes, those with the less sweet tooth were able to enjoy it as well. I could have added crushed orange or lemon peel and it would have been lovely too.
Coming soon, MY birthday cake...
Dinosaur cake and an award!
Yes! The past week was Aina's birthday (and my own.) So that gave me and my sister the pretext and the chance to bake the dinosaur cake we had admired and coveted for so many years. And, oh!, I received a Liebster Award from Marta, from Cuina Diari. Thanks ever so much! You've made my day!
The idea and the recipe for the dinosaur cake we got from a lovely book we've had since we were little, Helen Drew's "My first baking book". It has a great range of simple, yummy recipes, with lots of pictures and very clear instructions, intended for children to use. It's great! I recommend it wholeheartedly, if you can find it.
The cake is pretty simple: you bake a round sponge and cut it so as to obtain the different pieces that later you arrange to compose the body of the dinosaur. Then you cover it with a frosting or icing with green food colouring. We used to gaze in awe at the finished item when we were little (green food colouring was not so easy to find a few years ago in this country!)
So what really stands out about this recipe is not so much the sponge, or even the frosting, but how to cut the round sponge to get a dinosaur shape. We used a different recipe for the frosting than that in the book, because we don't really like the usual butter-and-sugar based ones. They are easier to use and you surely get a better look, but we preferred something we would enjoy eating as much as we did making and looking at. Mine had fresh cheese as well as butter, and not a lot of sugar.
Because this frosting can be a bit runny, I recommend you make it the day before and refrigerate it overnight. This will improve the consistency and manageability and the overall result.
Ingredients for the sponge:
- 100 gr butter
- 250 ml milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 250 gr sugar
- 50 gr cocoa powder
- 225 g flour
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Preheat over at 180º and grease a round cake form, 22 cms in diameter.
Mix the milk and the lemon juice and stir. Reserve.
Beat together the butter and half the sugar until creamy. Add the eggs, previously beaten, one by one. When completely blended, add the remaining sugar.
In a different bowl, sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and cocoa and mix.
Beating continuously, pour half the milk into the wet ingredients' bowl and combine well. Then add half the flour and cocoa mix, then the rest of the milk, and finally the remaining flour.
Pour into the cake form and bake for about an hour. (Do the needle test.) Allow to cool on a rack.
Ingredients for the frosting:
- 240 gr soft butter
- 450 gr cream cheese
- 220 gr mascarpone cheese
- 150 gr icing sugar (the original recipe used 220 gr)
- 1 teaspoon vainilla extract
- Green food colouring
Beat the butter with the cream cheese until creamy and fluffy. Add the sugar and stir until well combined. Finally, add the mascarpone cheese and vainilla extract until just combined. Do not overdo it, or else the mascarpone cheese loses consistency and the mix becomes too liquid.
Building a dinosaur!
Take the sponge out of the form and cut following this diagram:
If necessary, cut the top to flatten. Then play a bit of Lego with your sponge pieces! Some will look better here, some there… And finally, stick together with a bit of frosting.
Once you are satisfied with your shape, cover with the frosting, using a spatula and a table knife for the detailing. I recommend refrigerating the frosting before use, preferably overnight. Mine turned out too runny and that didn't do any favours to the look of it. The morning after, however, the frosting on the cake leftovers was just right!
To finish:
- Lacasitos (or Smarties)
- Chocolate pearls or teardrops
- White chocolate piece, cut in the shape of the eye
The children were delighted to see a dinosaur cake. And, because it wasn't as sweet as other frosted cakes, those with the less sweet tooth were able to enjoy it as well. I could have added crushed orange or lemon peel and it would have been lovely too.
Coming soon, MY birthday cake...
Molt bon apunt. Detallat i amb una idea genial per a la cobertura. Felicitats a totes dues.
ResponEliminaMoltes felicitats!!
ResponEliminaUs ha quedat un dinosaure molt xulu!!
Estic d'acord amb tú en que les cobertures de mantequilla són massa dolces i no agraden gaire, aquesta segur que tot i q no tant vistosa és molt més bona, q al cap i a la fi és lo important!!
Quin puzzle més ben explicat! I t'ha quedat sorprenent, l'aina devia quedar ben contenta! I segur que tu també amb l'èxit. Noia, ets una artista! Ah! I felicitats pel premi! Petons
ResponElimina... I a més estava boníssim !!
ResponEliminaEn dono fe
Sí que era bo, sí. Sempre que fem pastissos amb cobertura, hem de fer aquesta!
ResponEliminauna obra de arte este pastis de dinosaurio y felicidades por el premio Marta.
ha quedat xulíssim! jo se d'un que si el veu al·lucina!!! ,P petonets guapa
ResponEliminaM'ha agradat molt la foto de com heu tallat els trossos... la cobertura ha quedat molt bé, a mi no m'agrada tampoc el fondant, ha quedat perfecte! li ensenyaré a les meues nanes que segur que els agrada (els dinosaures estan molt de moda a la tele!) Felicitats pel premi!! je, je, i perdona pel marrón! ;-)
ResponEliminaQueda super xulo!!! i moolt bé el patró per tallar el trencaclosques aprofitant la coca al màxim!!
Felicitats, pel premi i per aquest super pastís! Queda divertidissim i molt ben explicat. Gràcies!!!